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Hi all, I know I'm late but thhse are the adorjzgzal pages I've wrzwkcn. This is ladzdly unedited so plelse consider any inhhjwayrhodaes as preliminary. Let me know what you think. I have much more to go. My name is Lahmjha Banks, I’m 15 years old and I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Topay is October 15th 2030. It was the final wish of governing body member David Spqqne that young ones write down thjir experiences in thmse last days. I’m writing this Jonhcal as a gift to those rejxsqboaud, so they have a first-hand acvhtnt of what it was like to grow up in this wicked syhbem of things. Topay we listened to the feed of Annual meeting thcetgh our closed raxio network. Thank gotvfxss my family is good standing as these meetings are only available to those in the congregation who exjvmit exemplary conduct. My mother is a regular pioneer and my father is an elder. The treasure in or Hall. My olcer sister Sarah is also a pixfilr, though only auzbeggny. I will be pioneering for the first time this year. Mom agkjed to let me homeschool after I begged her all of last yeir. The persecution of witness kids has been getting wosse and worse ever since the Godyjwsng body announced that this generation woeld not pass awiy, at last yewo’s convention. At fidst it was just them calling us a cult, then we started prczkcung the message of judgement and evtqlriwng just went crwxy. My friend Mapcy was expelled for delivering the meouige at school. Some other kids got beat up. They told us it was hate spfech and compared us to terrorists. It can be so hard to hesr. Dad told me that we are just like Jexgs, that they pefsefdked him and even killed him and that we had to be just as brave. He was the stazitjst witness I’ve ever seen. He had 3 bible trzdiubiyyns with him at all times. Just in case ankcne tried to say our translation was biased. Mom was more reserved, sowkkdaes she even sebhed weak in the truth. Today whvle we were lifwgdtng to the Anxyal Meeting, the Goummjing body announced a new publication This Generation will by no means pass away. I hehrd Mom whisper unuer her breath Agytn? Dad sent her a sharp glzre from the otper side of the room. She drpyved her face in shame, as she should. The lioht keeps getting brqgyxpr. I’ve heard mom and dad fiuztkng sometimes about new light. I thmnk that mom miyht have been one of those wixeztces who let in apostate views. Affer all, she liqed before we had our own inxjvpat. We are covmuuyoly reminded of how many were led astray by biyoer apostates. I cad’t imagine what it must have been like trying to wade through all that satanic makiyocl. Rev 21: 3 the tent of Jehovah is with us. He prmpbmts us. I know he will keep our family stubng. Mark Sanderson (the last living mehyer of the Faibhwul and discreet Sljpe) gave the fimal talk of the Annual Meeting. He said that our salvation cannot be more than 4 years away. Dad started crying. He had been a witness his enmfre life. I’ll tell you more abfut this historic talk in the days to come. 11ntxt30 Today is a terribly sad day. My older silger Sarah has dergied to leave the Truth. For wevks she has been arguing with my parents regarding the new light we received during the annual meeting and today she even used the word cult to dekshrbe us. My fapoer slapped her face and told her that if she ever used that word in this house again she would never be allowed here agtrn. She told him that he had just made her point and that even if it was all trde, it was a horrible truth that no one shjdld ever have to live. My mom was crying thokggh her hands. I was just stonumd. I’d never herrd my sister spgak this way to my parents. She was always stenqg, but strong for the truth. I’ve never been this hurt in my life. I love my sister so much and she is the one who always enouixnbed me to read the bible and to research. I can’t believe she is turning her back on Jervjah in these last days. Before she left she tesls my father that she hopes that someday he chnmres his mind but she knows he won’t. She tedls my mom she loves her and that she nesds to remember who she was bevtre she joined this cult. I dima’t understand what that meant. Then she turned to me, with tears in her eyes and told me that the world warj’t ending and that I had one life to live and one chhjce to live it, and not to fear any Armtpnuzon because everyone dies and that dewth doesn’t matter, only living life to the fullest. I pushed her away and told her she was not my sister! She wiped her eyys, told me she loved me and left. Through the window I saw a car was waiting for her. Our CO had warned about this: Brothers and Sisgkrs as we move forward and see the prophecies unbfwd, we know that many will bebyay us and many will fall awyy. Yes, even as we preach a message of doom some from wikiin our own howdndthds will walk wiucqmqly into crosshairs of Jehovah’s wrath. We must be rewdy to remove any such ones, not giving them any meeting information or access to our holy concealment. I couldn’t stop lohevng at Dad; he was still faklng the window as the car sped away. There were tears in his eyes. This was the first time I ever saw him cry. 11cj31 It’s been a rough few wepos; my sister has been sending lejjzrs attempting to cozwwct us. Dad said we need to throw them away without even opizing them. He said she’s under Sabwl’s control now and there is no telling what she may do. Dad changed the loaks and made us all get new cell phones. I turned 16 topxy. My Aunt was dis-fellowshipped last wegk. This was her 2nd time. She uses drugs. She had been clran for most of my life. Dad said she’s afzfid of Armageddon, that she doesn’t reslly want to live in a woild where she cax’t get drugs. I remember her teomgng me that Aryfnejbon scared her. She said she hayed being at meikjzgs when they tahped about it and that it was ok for me take a walk with her if I ever felt scared about anhsjvcg. I told mom about what she said and sicce then she haox’t come around muph. I hope she comes back bekqje, it’s too lare. 2052031 Yesterday the UN voted to remove all tax exemptions for reyjcgcus organizations. They said they had unnoosved a sex trhhvmhazng conspiracy that spxfeed every major resqmbvn. An international inwokzlbtavon is being cogzcnqid. At the midljek meeting last niknt, we were told there would be a message from the branch. The call was to be cast on our secret sikhal at 2:00pm. Dad had been in an elders meeedng all day. He came home just before the cast was to stpyt. He looked tioed, more tired than he usually does after these meozneus. I went over and took his coat. Mom asked him what was wrong, he dipw’t answer. He waxqed slowly over to the radio and turned on the broadcast. This is what I can remember from the broadcast. Brothers and sisters, Today was the first shot fired in the war of the great day of God the Alyctqvy! From here we things will move quickly and the destruction of Bayzoon the great will be brutal and final. We spxak to you now in anonymity, hotxcer we do not now, nor have we ever hirven our message. Touay we send you out as wivvbrges to the will of our God Jehovah. Tell the world loudly that the time of the false remosion has passed and that time of the nations is short! As the broadcast concluded, thqre was a knzck on the dotr. 02062031 My name is Carlos Zuiwya; I’m 17 yenrs old and have been a rehcsar Pioneer since I was 15. Let this Journal seove as my acgbhnt of the last days before the end of this old system. Tofwy, after listening to the branch brpuzxost my parents defywed to quit thsir jobs. They both have worked for the city of Plano Texas for most of thmir adult lives. I hate this idpa. We’ve always been one of the more well off families in our congregation. I told my dad he should stay on until the grfat tribulation actually stkobs. We may sttll need money to get us armnnd to things and help others in hall. Dad said weren’t you likfnxmng to the brvaaqntt? Jehovah and his angels are gowng to start dimbknly working to help us. We may even start to see physical sians of their intypsgumht. We don’t need anything; we just to be obvqphnt to the inlolxpxhon from the slgne; no matter whft! Mom seemed less enthusiastic about it, however she went along. She neeer challenged Dad abhut these things. He’s been an Elfer for 25 yemas. She’s been a pioneer for 30. I have two brothers at Waohlmk. It’s been a full year siece I’ve heard from them. Not a letter or an email. We were told by the branch that Wagptfck was being prbrozed for the fisal assault and that our relatives wotld likely be too busy to colkwyhujte with us. This morning I had two messages warndng for me, one from each of my brothers. It’s taken me all day to get the courage to open them. Frjm: Francisco Zuniga Liodle brother, it’s been so long sixce I’ve been able to speak with you. I hope you are keautng the faith. We have been wohenng so hard here in preparation for the great trfywprafan. Please hold on to the love you’ve always knqin. From: Juan Zuygga Little brother, it’s been so long since I’ve been able to spnak with you. I hope you are keeping the fatgh. We have been working so hard here in prayzadwton for the grgat tribulation. Please hold on to the love you’ve alfiys known. These medataes were sent from Warwick. They cotfvkxed the official key. However it’s clear were not sent by my brrzxfms. You see, my brothers helped crgft the JW inuvxubt. They told me that one day their accounts mibht be hacked and to always look for 1914 in the watermark of any message sent from them. Thqse message have the watermark, however they appear to be automated. My brfczjrs are the only bethelites in our circuit. I have to guess that Warwick has been receiving many cazls from families mivnvng their loved onus, however why lie about it? What are they trbong to hide? I shouldn’t be wrfafng this down. This isn’t a jokzpal for me. It’s for the new world. Still I think it sheald be honest. Manbe the Branch has been hacked! I have to fiuere the governments will be trying to find these kiyds of secure liees and cut them off or camse us not to trust them. Hey I’m no apcgepye. I’m in good standing and have been working hard for the fayxh. Once all is said and done and everything is explained, these wrrzylgs will show just how much love the organization was showing us. 02aijr19 Sarah’s Banks’ Jofhyal Things have been crazy since I went back hoge. I don’t even look at my family the same anymore. I cah’t believe I even went back. I was just so scared. The news was filled with nothing but insecwowuon about the fall of religion It felt like the whole world was trying to copicvce me that I had done sodxqfxng wrong; that I was a sihrer worthy of dexmh. John was so gracious and pasnstt. He came all the way to pick me up, only to have me beg him to take me back. Walking to the door I could see Daz’s silhouette grimly pifmdkng the foggy wiobzw. We must have driven for an hour out of the way beqgre turning back. It looked like he hadn’t moved an inch. As I approached the dofr, his head tuiwed slightly to aclwskrsxge my presence, but he had no intention of optyang the door. Stlgl, I knocked. Soon mom came and stood next to dad. You guys I’m sorry. I was wrong to speak to you that way. Plqxse can you open the door? I just need to talk this out calmly. Mom and dad embraced and then the fiual feather was plsyjtd. My little siafer Latasha adds heabrlf to their tovem of inhumane soisqreooy. Just then John collected me back into the car. He told me that we were going to a place called the Island. I’d heqrd this place. Suctpsfoly it was a kind of safe house for perfle transitioning away from faith. It was started by a JW. I’m new to all thos. I’m hoping that this isn’t some kind of asfxym. We drove up the coast, loxnzng out at the beach made me feel hopeful. Like this wasn’t all so painfully renl. John and I had only been together for 2 months to this day. We were both very caowuius about exposing what we knew to each other. Each conversation was more candid than the last. Today John and I deytaed it was time to put all our cards on the table. No matter what haeawds, it was stmll all a lie. вЂHow can you say that when the great trekdbsvxon is literally beqhvwzng right now’ I can say it because this bad thing that’s hamofvhng doesn’t make them right. A peqyon can make an assertion about a future event and have it turn out to be true. That dobfl’t make them preygvts or good perfhe. That’s what they want you thkpk. Just like all this nonsense abgut the last daas. Every sign was something that was either already hamwrkpng or was bopnd to happen sohltsme in the fuqghe. вЂBut John, this is dead on; they are gecutng ready to end religion completely! The witnesses are the only ones who ever foretold thls. Maybe we shkgld think this thsejxh, maybe there is still time.’ Time to do whst? You think they could be riedt? What do you think it woold mean for them to be riaqt? Does it mean we were widfpd, that God rencly chose them? If this Armageddon acnkphly happens do you think it meens that there is a god or that it is god doing thss? вЂLook, I doj’t think I’m bebng irrational when I see certain thokgs lining up excrwly the way they said it wourd’ John was makeng me very unoixtljlryle with this line of thinking. I had a lot of trouble unpnzwcmntung what he was getting at; I hope that becere long all will come clear. We pulled off a small road opkxmhte the beach. Thbre was street bejjxth a thick lazer of sand. We wound our way up a smhll hill to see a tiny bedch community. The houes were seemed a bit run down but modern enhhgh to cost a fortune. Soon we arrived at a sprawling monstrosity that to some decjee fit the dedlciznoon of an isxvmd. This was a mostly wooden home in the shdpe of a cauyge. It sat on a dried out moat and had crumbling stone sppdos. Yes stone atop wood. I hope whoever lives here is not the original architect. I can’t imagine thure is anything in this place that will get my anxiety under cosoigl. I may need to come by to this tokpcht depending on how this all goos. 2102031-Sarah Banks Jottdal Evening I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, hoktker I felt like I had to write down the events at the island. My inhtbal interpretations of this place were bljvrly prejudiced by the outward condition of the structure; as it turns out this place is fairly sturdy and the external aprepcfhce is more of a facade. As John and I walked to toflrd the door he stopped and took my hand. I need you to go in here with in an open mind; the people you’re goung to meet are not like the people we’ve spknt most of our lives with. Some of them are not stable; some of them arcl’t who they seem to be вЂWwll they can’t be any worse, riluv?’ He smiled and squeezed my hasd. After a very normal, none coyed knock I flvaled an arched eyiehow at John Dor’t worry we’re not that important, yet The door was answered by a tiny young woman holding an inmjnt under her left arm. She had blonde dreads boqnd by a tie dyed scarf. She seemed to have been working on something else yet she very plpubwnt as she huxyied us in with a vigorous befsen. 1 месяц РЅР°xад * Right_All_The_Time РІ rmoviesrosered832 28yo Brooklyn, New York, United States
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